Sunday, January 10, 2016

Pillow Madness

My mom gave me a sewing machine for my birthday last year, but I didn't have any room to set it up in our jam-packed apartment. It sat sadly in its box for almost a year while I dreamt of a simple hand-sewn wardrobe and no trips to H&M and Old Navy ever, ever again. 

Finally, in my studio in our new home, my dream could become a reality! I put myself to work with something simple, since it had been about 20 years since I'd touched a sewing machine - sewing curtains for the many, many un-shuttered windows in our house.  Next thing I knew, I had been bitten by the sewing bug, HARD.

Besides curtains, I've made several basic garments at this point (Lotta Jansdotter's book has been a godsend!). But this week I finally got round to a problem in my living room: a distinct lack of squish.

When we moved, I scoured all the local antique and thrift stores, and found a collection of living room furniture that fills me with delight every morning when I come downstairs. A pink wing-back chair, a dark blue fainting couch (I have ALWAYS wanted a fainting couch!) and a fabulous chartreuse squared-off sofa. They all have dark wood accents which pull them together, and they are all somewhat understuffed (or, in the case of the squared sofa, completely uncontoured to the human form). They scream for pillows. As of this week, I had finally collected enough pillow forms and somewhat complimentary fabrics to make my dream a reality.

I used this envelope pillowcase tutorial, which was incredibly simple and helpful. It took me only a few hours over two days to churn out what feels like a very excessive amount of pillows!

I didn't make the Zac pillow - it was a gift from an understanding friend!
I had so much fun making pillows that I'm considering starting my own pillow empire. As good a way as any to make my millions, right?


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